Monday, July 22, 2013

Where was I last week?

BYU Symposium Books for Young Readers, July 18-19, 2013 was energizing! I had a great time with my son Scott! (We're both story time librarian-type people! ... and he didn't even blink when I dropped some extra leftover bagels-for-later into my bag.)
And here are some author friends old... (not in years, just already befriended, like Jennifer Nielsen, who came to our library with her very first book and a jar of pickles to entertain children, and has since gone on to be on the New York Times Bestseller list!)
(I'm right behind you, Jennifer!)
and new friends, (like Erin and Philip Stead, who write and illustrate their own books and have a studio to die for, but if you really died for it, then it would be kind of hard to keep writing)
(and Sara Pennypacker, who knows how to write so that readers draw their own conclusions)
(and Karen Cushman, who didn't start writing until she was 50)
(and Steve Jenkins, who has drawn animals since he could pick up a pencil)
(and Tony DiTerlizzi, who wrote Spiderwick Chronicles and is still very much a kid. Me too, me too!)
I'm SO GLAD I got to go, thanks to my son, Scott! The event re-charged my writing batteries. 
So what is it that recharges your batteries? 

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