Monday, October 29, 2018

Eat More Veg's Before the Spiders Do

I  promise that this squash wasn't on the counter very long...maybe a couple of days...before I noticed that a spider had laid claim to it.
(The only reason I found out was because I spilled some protein powder on the web.)
Who knew that if I didn't eat my vegetables, the spiders would?

Monday, October 22, 2018

Cruisin' to Ensenada

Once upon a time I wanted to go to Hawaii, but thought I'd never make it, so I bought the Magnum PI TV series DVD's instead. But then... guess what? I went to Hawaii!
I've also wanted to go on a cruise for years, but due to current life circumstances, I thought I'd never make it. Guess what? I went to Ensenada on a cruise ship a week ago! (My first time ever in Mexico! Ole!)
I went with my sister Carolyn and my sons Jeff and Brian and their families.
Carolyn loved the room service cheesecake!
We got a window dining table.
 They made the fruit platter look like a colorful little ship.
 Carolyn said one of her favorite parts was the food!
 La Bufadora blowhole at the edge of the ocean in Ensenada.
 I got my finger in the picture.
 Carolyn was scared to try zip-lining on the Canopy Tour, until she actually zip-lined! (Thanks to daughter-in-law Aspen for helping Carolyn along.) 
 Lunch seemed expensive, until you converted pesos to dollars. (Why they use a dollar sign for pesos, I never found out.)
 When you forget to pack a flower for your hair, you can improvise with colored curly plastic mosquito bands from your nephew's Texas wedding that you never cleaned out of your purse.
 Each night at dinner, a song played and we danced with the waiters. (It helped shake the food down so you could eat more!)
 Carolyn loved the towel animals left in our room. She even kissed a frog. (Hey, it couldn't hurt!)
 Customs made me take my hat off before they let me back on the ship. It must be a pretty good disguise if they didn't recognize me!
 Carolyn loves "pineapple" trees!
 Catalina Island golf cart rides are the best!
 Brian and Aspen using mad golf cart skills to maneuver the narrow streets of Catalina Island.
 Ocean Girls.
 Carolyn said she wanted to live in the cruise ship because it felt like home.
 Jeff was part of a cruise ship game show, but lost the grand prize to the little guy he's shaking hands with onstage.
 En route to the ocean at Yermo, California, we spied a GIANT ice cream confection that let us know WE'D ARRIVED at the "Eddie World" candy store, where you can find delectable treats such as Dog Drool Soda and gummy candy coated with hot pepper sprinkles.
Have you been on a cruise? How was it?
If not, would you like to go cruising? Where?

Monday, October 15, 2018

St. George Marathon Madness

Carolyn and me at the beginning of the 
(Yes, it's early. Around 6:00 in the morning!)
If you've never been at the starting line of the St. George Marathon, which happens to be on the highway that runs through Central, Utah (the TOWN Central, population approximately 800, not the generalized middle-of-the-state location) then you may not realize the scope of the event. There are SO MANY people there, (3,999 runners finished the race) with bonfires, music, snacks, and lights. 
Before the race kicked off with wheelchair contestants, Carolyn made people smile with her dance moves. 
(Carolyn's in the purple coat with her hood up, not dancing, because the music stopped for the National Anthem, and didn't start up again.)
She had lots of fun offering high five's to runners!
(Bob apparently had lots of fun watching from the background.)
Carolyn even got a high five from Dave Parrish, who was mayor of Ephraim, Utah when we lived there!
Bob and I counted portapotties, not only at the start of the race, but also along the highway. There were 219 at the gathering place, and 120 spread along the 28 mile route, equaling 339!
That's probably more than all the houses in Central.
Do you like going to events or celebrations in person?
Or would you rather watch them on TV or the computer?

Monday, October 8, 2018

Do-It-Your-Suffer Project

I have made a bit of a reputation for myself for making or altering things to suit my 'tude. (That's "attitude" for anyone not in the know.) I've combined patterns to make clothes, taken clothes that weren't quite right to unpicked and re-sewed in order to shape them to my will, and generally make things just how I want them.
So I felt confident in my ability to make a custom backpack. It was just the right color, had see-through pockets so I COULD FIND THINGS, and plenty of outside pockets so I wouldn't have to dig for stuff. 
It took HOURS to make, but I was happy with the end result. It was perfect for me.
That is, until I took it on its maiden voyage.
Then, like the Titanic, it fell apart. 
When one strap broke in the airport, I just slung the remaining one over my shoulder, thinking of the best way to re-attach the errant strap. 

But when the SECOND strap broke, holding on by a single thread, I gave up on thoughts of any future salvage attempts. I didn't want to suffer through any more zipper sewing and piece fitting and thinking through what would fit where and what had to be sewn first, second, third...100th! So I carried the bag in my arms to my nephew, Curtis's, wedding, determined that it would be its final voyage.
When I mentioned to my family that I'd like to go out and find myself a piece of luggage that would get me home, my 6'4" brother, Greg, offered me his suitcase, as he had another, newer one. I thought his old one looked kind of big, but he assured me that he'd used it as carry on luggage more than once, and never got stopped from taking into the airplane cabin with him.
Apparently if you're 6'4", any piece of rolling luggage looks smaller by comparison to your towering body.
Half an inch shy of six feet got me STOPPED and told I had to check the bag. That meant going to carousel after the flight and waiting...and waiting...and waiting...and finally getting home at 4:00 am.
(I still appreciate my brother's effort to help me out. He even sent me a horrified little face emoji when I texted him about my predicament.)
I admit, I was jealous of my little sister sleeping on the back seat of the car as I made the 2 1/2 hour drive home. I remember sleeping in the back of the car as a kid, the comforting motion of the car creating soothing sleep, even though most of the time we 8 Anderson kids were sleeping on each other's shoulders.
We had so much togetherness, we didn't even need our own chairs!
(That's me in the middle, brother DellRay on my right, sister Rebecca on my left.)
Did you ever sleep in the car as a child?
Do you still sleep in the car?

Monday, October 1, 2018

Bad Axe!

I've heard of people naming their cars, but their FIRE ENGINES?
With all the fires in Utah and other parts of the country this summer, I have to be glad for all those people who are willing to fight those huge flames. 
It's not a job I would pick. I don't mind sitting around a campfire if the smoke's not blowing in my eyes, but that's about it.
What about you? Do you like fire?

Carolyn Rocks the Chicken Dance!