Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The best days, the worst days

One of the pages in the kindergarten memory book was titled, "The Best Day of my Life." I looked down at the blonde, blue-eyed girl and asked, "What was the best day of your life?"
She brightened. "It was the day I got a boyfriend!"
Unsure that I understood, I asked, "A boyfriend?"
"Uh-huh," she nodded vigorously. "I dream about him every night. I have nightmares." She clasped her hands, smiling all the while.
My next task was to helped a small girl to read her book. She sagged in her chair and complained, "I can't read today. My teeth are tired."
It's true! Sometimes any excuse sounds good enough! Sometimes the most unexpected windfalls make the worst days into best days! Let's give in to some of those silly excuses and have our own way sometimes. Other times, let's bop those excuses on the head with a book and get busy, laughing all the way.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Kids say the darnedest things

Kids are so funny!
I overheard one little guy say, "I've got a camel head in my backyard!"
A kindergarten girl said, "Sorry doesn't help when you bit my neck!"
Another little girl walked up to me with a dreamy look on her face and said, "I just got unpoisoned... where am I?"
I had to pull out my notepad... what a great story starter! You never know when they'll pop up!

Carolyn Rocks the Chicken Dance!