Monday, October 26, 2015

Graveyard Landscape

I thought this homeowner had decorated for Halloween.
But when I looked closer, I realized that it was a landscape design with upright flat rocks, not a faux graveyard.
I wonder what they have in their house?

Ghostly Handprints

When I walked out to my car, I found some ghostly handprints on my car door. Strangely enough, if someone had stood at my car and pressed their hands against it, the fingers would most likely point upward, but you can see (if you look closely with your supernatural vision) that the handprints are pointing downward.
I hope my car's not haunted by a carwash attendant. Have you ever felt haunted? (Happy Halloween!)

Monday, October 19, 2015

Ruth Anderson 90th Birthday Open House!

Here's my mother Ruth H. Anderson and little sister Carolyn at Mom's 90th birthday open house. Aren't they bright and beautiful?
 Here's a classic picture taken when we weren't ALL READY!
 Here are seven of Mom and Dad's eight children, the ones who could be there. (Dad passed on to the next life 13 years ago, and the oldest child, Melinda, was in the hospital. She is getting better now! Oh, happy day.
 Now Mom is surrounded by (Left to Right) Carolyn, Loraine, Greg, Bev, Shirley (that's me!) DellRay, and Rebecca. (Melinda belongs next to Rebecca.)
We all have blue eyes! Only six of us are comparing the blueness, because DellRay had left by this time. (Everyone was leaving by this time! We're outside!)
Mom is cheerful, helpful, and looks for the best in every day she wakes up.
Would you like to live to be 90?
(Oh, and here is her newspaper announcement because it belongs with all these other pictures!)

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Long Lost Cousin

Family is so much fun!
          I have 46 cousins, but I haven't seen all of them yet. Lucky me, I got to meet one more last weekend during my mother's 90th birthday open house! May I introduce cousin Brent Anderson (left, a cartoonist who's worked with DC Comics, of all companies), then me, then fellow cartoonist Michael Lovins. 
          Brent has a brother I've yet to meet, and a sister, who's passed away. (So have two of my other cousins...all on my Dad's side, ironically.)
          Do you have cousins? Did you visit them when you were young? Do you visit them now? ;o)

Monday, October 5, 2015

Cute Girls Club!

Who knew that cutting up my "school pride" shirt would garner me an exclusive invitation?
In my new job at the elementary school, Friday is set aside as "School Pride Day," when students and teachers are encouraged to wear school colors (green, or Manti High School colors red and white, or Snow College colors orange and blue. Or this "I'm A Bucket Filler" shirt. Yes, it does say that. Hold your computer up to a mirror. See? Can I help it if no one is here to help me take a picture except the mirror? I'm adaptable. That's a good thing.)
In order to help me remember Friday's suggested wardrobe, I got a t-shirt. But it was kind of boring. So I got out the scissors, snip, knot, sew (see the sparkle beads added to the ends of the curly-cues and to the bucket's eyes?)
At lunch time, I was swishing my fringe down the hall when a couple of cute girls who've greeted me before saw me. Their eyes went wide and they hurried closer. 
"I love your shirt!" one said.
"Do you want to join our Cute Girl's Club?" asked the other, fluttering her cute eyelashes.
Sticking both arms straight up in the air with excitement, I replied, "Yes! I'd love to be in your Cute Girl Club! Thanks so much for asking me!"
So now you know. I am an official member of the Cute Girl Club.
What is your favorite type of clothing? Do you like structured pieces? Sweats? Loose and floofy? Form-fitting Spandex? Casual jeans and t-shirts? Shark bite pants and sliced up clothing? Come on, tell us... what do you like to wear?

Carolyn Rocks the Chicken Dance!