Monday, December 10, 2012

Oh, for a pillow in a crowded house!

          Do you have extended family gatherings? If your family consists of fewer than four people, you may not get this, but if your extended family won't all fit on a mini bus, then you'll relate to this picture. (I've got 46 cousins - we won't count their children here - plus my mom, seven siblings, their spouses, 38 nieces and nephews - I'm a great aunt, too... again, no counting them now, but they're out there, the little dears! - my own six sons, two darling daughters-in-law and seven outstanding grandchildren.) I don't claim the largest clan ever. I know lots of people who rent huge buildings for their extended family get-togethers, but my family's big enough to make me happy.
          When we visited my oldest son, Andy, we had enough extra people to break out a card table for the kids to eat on. After a particularly long day, we settled down to watch a movie. As one of the kid-table crowd, my youngest son, Michael, was relegated to the floor. Without enough pillows to go around, he found another solution.
(He's sleeping on an orange balloon.) Hey, there are water beds, so why not air pillows? When his big brother, Zack, pulled out a knife to pop the balloon from under Michael's head, I was close enough to put a stop to it. Zack said he wouldn't really have done it. (Do you believe that?)
Cowboys sleep on saddles, my mom used to nap on piles of clean laundry, so now I have to wonder... what's the strangest thing you've ever slept on? 


Andy said...

Nah, there were enough pillows to go around. All you had to do was ask and we woulda shown you where they were.

Shirley Bahlmann said...

Okay, it was probably just too much trouble for Michael to do more than grab a nearby balloon and catch a few snoozes.

Carolyn Rocks the Chicken Dance!