Monday, January 30, 2017

Wow! What a difference a floor makes!  My dear husband, Bob, worked so hard putting a new floor in our new/old house that he actually got a blister on his knee. I appreciate him so much! (In case you can't tell, the new floor is the wood laminate one.) For some reason, I find that I feel compelled to go into the bathroom more than I used to! ;o)

And I love the new wood laminate floor that goes through the whole house! It's so much better than the brittle old cracked linoleum, and we even had our first water disaster the morning after we finished installing it. (Our washing machine made a waterfall.) But the floor came out of the flood looking perfectly fine!

Bob also put in the fireplace which acts as our furnace. Before that, we only had a wood stove, fueled solely by wood that actually needed to be chopped. It's nice to have that as an option, but it wasn't ideal as the sole heat source. 
Would you like to chop wood to stay warm, or trot out to a real wood outhouse?
Or do you like "fake" gas fireplaces and indoor privys that just look rustic?

Monday, January 23, 2017

Snow Angel

After a big snowfall, the snow plow came along our street while I was at work, clearing the road but pushing up a ridge of snow across my driveway in the process. I barely got through with my low-slung Ford Focus, and actually got kind of stuck beside my house, but rocked the car, turned the wheels, and managed to get unstuck after kicking up way too much gravel. 
When I had to leave the next day, I prepared to get a run on it to make it over the ridge by opening my gate first so I wouldn't have to stop in the snow. That's when I noticed that a snow angel had cleared the snow pile away from my gate.
(My dog wishes they'd knocked the gate down while they were at it.)

I don't know who it was, or why they chose me, because for some reason my neighbor across the street didn't get a snow angel visit.

Thank you, snow angel.

Are you a good snow driver?
Or do you do best on clear pavement only?

Monday, January 16, 2017

Towel Tales

I have learned since saying "yes" to Bob, in the most ridiculous way, ("Um, uh, oh, um, well, I don't see why not!" to which he replied, "What kind of answer is THAT?"... It's the  kind of answer one gives when one thinks the other person is going to say we shouldn't see each other any more, and instead he proposes) that marriage takes compromise.

Now, before asking my question, I'm posting sort-of the color of towels Bob chose for himself: (the picture does not do them justice. He was looking for navy blue, but couldn't find it, so settled on black. I must have had my flash turned up too high.)
And the towels I chose for myself:

So now to my question - How do you compromise to find shared bathroom/guest towels from THESE disparate tastes?

Well, Bob came up with a solution: Caucasian colored towels.

I mean, how can we argue against our own skin color?
What color of towels would you put in your bathroom? 

Monday, January 9, 2017

Cake? Anyone? Apparently, Fingers Allowed...

Someone brought cake to share at work.
Someone forgot to bring a knife.
Would you dig in with your bare hands to get your share?

Monday, January 2, 2017

Gloppy Green New Year's Resolution

Yes, I want to eat healthier food this year! (Does this pile of, um, green goo count?)
No, it's not that! It's a protein shake, people! 
It's a spilled protein shake that I made myself. After I drank some, I set down the container, WITH LID, but the lid must not have been snapped down tightly.
The next time I looked, my container was tipped over and a lot of my lovely green drink was on the floor!
Fortunately, it nearly matches the carpet, so clean up was easy squeezy.
Now I'm thinking I need to learn a lesson from this... make smaller shakes? Or drink it all in one sitting?
What would you do?

Carolyn Rocks the Chicken Dance!