Thursday, October 10, 2013

Chocolate Lipstick

Back when I was eating more sweets than I am now, I helped myself to a chocolate turnover from Arby's. Eating while driving can be a little bit tricky, especially with something that has a soft center like a warm chocolate turnover. But, no worries, if it gets on your lips, you can just save it for later.
(Just to reassure you,  wasn't taking pictures and eating while driving. My little sister Carolyn took this photo.)
I found out from watching a snippet of information from Doctor Oz that no one should worry about their weight. What a relief! Instead, you should worry about the tape measure. (If it's enchanted, it might turn into a snakey thing that eats your food before you do!) Not really. According to the good doctor, the ideal waist size is no more than half your height. Interesting. And perhaps with an eye to ruining your appetite, Doctor Oz showed a couple of organs for comparison. One was thin and clean, the other was clogged with fat.
That did it for me. If I overeat now, it involves crunching on green leafy vegetables.
Have you figure out yet what your waist measurement should be when compared to your height? Don't worry, I won't ask, that's between you and your chocolate turnover!

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