Monday, January 20, 2020


Some custom license plates make me stop and wonder what they're trying to say. What do they mean? I don't like the ones I can't figure out, that are some kind of secret inside joke that only the nearest and dearest can decipher.
My sister's custom license plate reads: ACCEBER.
(Do you know what that means? I'll tell you below!)
I came across this handsome fellow a few weeks ago, with a pretty clear message.
"O behave!"
Even though I understand it at face value, it still makes me wonder...
Is the truck supposed to behave?
Is the drive of the truck the one who needs to behave, or perhaps the driver's passengers?
Or are the drivers behind the truck supposed to behave?
Perhaps it's the general population, anyone who sees the message, reads it, and asks themselves, "How am I behaving?"
What else could it mean?
What does it bring to your mind?
Oh, and my sister's license plate? Read it belongs to my sister REBECCA!

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