Monday, May 27, 2013

My Birthday Wish

Tradition dictates that people in most societies mark the anniversaries of certain cultural events with various rituals of celebration, festivities, and food.
(AHEM) Well, this week marks the celebration of my BIRTHDAY! I happen to like my birthday. No, I love my birthday! I'm very fond of the date, which happens to be Friday. I've actually been known to wear a sign that reads, "Happy Birthday to me" as I go about my magical birthday activities, such as shopping or riding my bike. (I get lots of birthday wishes whenever I do that, so it's fun! The thing is, no one's ever handed me a dollar, like they've done to my youngest son with his "I'm adorable" face. Maybe I should tape a cutout of his face to my bangs so someone might give me a dollar, too.)
It will take a few dollars to reach my goal of getting this yacht for my birthday. (If not this year, then maybe next, do ya think?) I could live on this thing, as long as it goes places!
You could come with me, or at least go for a dip in my pool and have a siesta in your own private grass hut. Which one would you like?
Now tell me... what's your birthday wish?
It's okay, you're allowed to think of one before or after your birthday. Or maybe you have the same birthday as me! Then we can wear our funny party hats on my yacht together!


jenna said...

I'll take this yacht also please :)

jenna said...

I'll take this yacht also please :)

Carolyn Rocks the Chicken Dance!