Monday, November 26, 2012

Thankful for friends and books

My friend Heather Moore (a.k.a. H. B. Moore) was my house guest a week ago. I was delighted to have her stay, even though it was a crazy night because I had tickets to the Snow College play. It got out so late that Heather didn't come over until 10:30 p.m. A true writer, she got up at 4:30 a.m. to, what else? Write! She took time over breakfast to talk shop with me, discussing writing methods and writing conferences. I was surprised to learn that Heather is somewhat of a "panster" or someone who writes without a clear ending in mind. It was a delightful conversation. As the generous friend she is, she gave me a copy of her book "Athena," one of the Newport Ladies Book Club series. Isn't it pretty?
What are you reading next? 

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