Monday, December 12, 2011


Sorry, this is a scrumbly week. (Don't look up "scrumbly," it's only in MY dictionary!) I just can't seem to figure out how to publish e-books and it's driving me insane! All that beautiful writing time spent scrolling through web search results and all that wondrous creative brain power spent trying to figure out unfamiliar terminology!
WHO SAID IT WAS EASY? You must have computer parts in your genes!
Well, at least you can look forward to "Playground for parents who hate children" next week. Really.
I have a picture and everything.
What is hard for you to do? Do you keep trying, or shift your energy elsewhere?


Cathy said...

Shirley, Cindy Hogan wrote a whole series of blogs on Indie Publishing secrets. It's all about publishing an e-book. She would be a good gal to talk to for information on this subject. Her blog is . Good luck.

Shirley Bahlmann said...

Cathy, you are a sweetie pie. Thank you for the link! Love, Shirley

Tristi Pinkston said...

You know what I do? I try a couple of times myself, and then I ask someone for help. I can usually barter their time for some of mine, we both get helped, and then I'm not beating my head into a concrete wall.

Shirley Bahlmann said...

That is good advice, oh wizard of all things Internet. It really does make sense to let those who have talents use them for what they're good at, and then use your talents for what you are good at. You are a smart lady.

Carolyn Rocks the Chicken Dance!